1997 Establishment of the National Depository Center
1998 Concluded the first agreement on rendering depository and shareholders’ registrar services
2001 Provided services on corporate bonds for the first time
2004 Provided services related to securities to the banks
Became a co-founder of the Association of Eurasian Central Securities Depositories (AECSD)
2005 Establishment of Nakhchivan branch
2006 Opening of the first correspondent account for the foreign depository
Concluded partnership agreement with the Association of National Numbering Agencies (ANNA)
Granted the visibility of the National Numbering Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan
2007 Assigned ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) codes to securities issued in Azerbaijan
Cooperation with “Clearstream Banking” and SWIFT
2008 Joined ANNA
Became a member of the International Securities Services Association (ISSA)
2009 Provided “one-stop-shop” services to customers
Rendered trustee services
2010 Establishment of electronic communication with Baku Stock Exchange to ensure uninterrupted transactions on the stock exchange
2011 Provided the brokers with remote access to its depository system
2012 Allocation of ISIN codes to all circulated securities
2013 Obtained a clearing license
Became a central depository for government securities
2014 Switch to T + x Settlement mode
2015 Became a central depository according to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Securities Market” entered into force by the
Decree of the President dated July 14, 2015
Reorganized as a non-profit legal entity
Joined SWIFT network
2016 Launch of the CETA platform, a centralized trading system
First agreement on Paying Agent service
2017 Integration to AZIPS system
2019 Switch to new Settlement Agent for Securities Clearing and Settlement Model
Switch to T + 1 Settlement mode of all secondary market transactions, as well as on primary market transactions with government bonds and Central Bank notes
2021 Became a member of the Central Securities Depository of the Turkey, Merkezi Kayıt Kuruluşu A.Ş. (MKK) and opening an omnibus account at MKK
Launch of the “Inter Account Transfer” electronic service
2022 Launch of the "Margin" sub-account to investors and investment companies